Tensar geocell mattresses for base reinforcement

When constructing high embankments on weak soils, Tensar honeycomb geomattresses are an effective alternative to pile foundation or soil replacement, providing low cost and time to construct the subgrade. The use of geocellular mattresses is utilized to reinforce embankments passing through silty marshy terrain or poor subgrade. Such soil cannot initially serve as a good foundation for the embankment. This construction is an alternative to standard construction methods on weak soils, such as replacing the soil to the mineral bed, pile foundation or trestle construction. At the same time, the cost of construction works and the time of their implementation are significantly reduced. Geomattresses with geogrids in the base provide a practical solution to the problem of embankment construction on foundations made of weak soils and can provide savings of up to 31% compared to other options.

TENSAR rigid geogrids, other products

Tensar's commercial division Tensar offers expert material application solutions, high quality materials, their international brands and solutions. We focus on the following material applications:

TriAx triaxially directed geogrids


Uniaxial geogrids RE


Biaxial geogrids SS


Tensar materials for asphalt concrete reinforcement
